Tips & Tools for PhD candidates
Follow Pablo Bautista Barbecho GITHUB, with useful code, links, tips and courses. For instance, his Python course.
Leticia Lemus Cárdenas, Juan P. Astudillo León, Pablo A. Barbecho Bautista, Mónica Aguilar Igartua "Tips and tools to automate OMNeT++ simulations and to facilitate post data management tasks",, 8th October 2020.
Abstract: Collection of tips for PhD researchers to help them to start with several simulation tools, e.g. OMNeT++/VEINS/SUMO/OSM. Also, it introduces useful tools to speed up simulations and posterior management of results. Finally, some tips about Latex editors and deep learning tools.
My PhD Thesis
Title: Contribución al Modelado y Caracterización de Nodos en Redes de Banda Ancha. Aplicación al Multiplexor Inverso ATM,
21st January 2000. Download
Supervisor: Dr. Joan García Haro
Abstract: The Inverse Multiplexing for ATM (IMA) is a technology that combines multiple T1/E1 links to support the transparent transmission of ATM cells over one single logical data trunk which bandwidth is the aggregate of the T1/E1 capacities. That is, it provides high bandwidth by using already deployed WAN infrastructure and at a reasonable cost. In this thesis several analytical models were developed to evaluate the benefits of a generic ATM node and of an IMUX device. This allows computing the parameters of quality of service for its design: average waiting time of the cells in the device and cell loss probability.
Current PhD students and PhD candidates
Yaqoob Al-zuhairi received the Master in Information and Communication Engineering from Al-Nahrain University in 31/10/2017.
Title: "Federated learning framework for vehicular networks to manage electrical vehicles charging services", Dissertation planned for 2026.
Abstract: Improve the charging service of electrical vehicles using federated learning techniques in vehicular networks. We use VEINS/SUMO/OSM.
Prashanth Kannan received the Master in Automotive Engineering from Amrita University, Coimbatore, India, in 2016.
Title: "Design of platooning vehicular networks for greener transportation", Dissertation planned for 2026.
Abstract: Federated learning techniques to improve hybrid vehicular networks (LTE, 5G, DSRC), hybrid vehicles (electrical and fuel), platooning towards greener transportation. We use VEINS/SUMO/OSM.
Alberto Bazán Guillén received the Master in Telematics Engineering from Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" Central University of Las Villas (UCLV), Cuba, in 2022.
Title: "Design of federated learning framework to improve urban mobility and smart city services", Dissertation planned for 2026.
Abstract: Federated learning techniques to improve smart services for smart cities. We use OMNeT++/VEINS/SUMO/OSM.
Agneev Guin received the Master's degree in Systems, Control and Robotics from KTH, in 2017. He works as Autonomous Driving Research engineer at Volkswagen AG (Germany).
Title: "Optimization methods for traffic modeling and prediction to improve urban mobility", Dissertation planned for 2028.
Abstract: Optimization techniques for modeling road traffic in smart cities.
Tutored PhD Thesis
Dr. Álvaro Martín Prieto received the Master of Telematics Engineering of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, in 2019. Industrial Doctorate in Volkswagen. Company advisor: Marc Düvel.
Title: "Control Strategy and predictive methods for performance and component lifetime enhancement in vehicle powertrain", 26th April 2023. Excellent Cum Laude. PhD thesis.
Abstract: Design of a power boost function using artificial neural networks to allow vehicles to deliver a temporary power boost when required.
He is currently working at NEWTWEN in Italy, as a software development engineer.
Dr. Christian Iza Paredes received the Master of Networking and Communications at the Pontifical Catholic University, Quito-Ecuador, in 2011. He had a full scholarship from SENESCYT (Ecuador).
Title: "Design and performance evaluation of smart dissemination of emergence messages in vehicular ad-hoc networks", 12th July 2018. Excellent Cum Laude.
Download thesis.
Abstract: Smart dissemination of H.265 video emergency messages in VANETs. Simulations done in OMNeT++/VEINS/SUMO/OSM.
He is currently working at the Yachay Tech University in Ecuador, as an assistant professor.
Dr. Ahmad Mohamad Mezher received his degree in Telecommunications and Electronics Engineering (Golden Degree), and a MSc. Degree in Signals and Systems from the Central University of Las Villas (Cuba). Ahmad was recipient of a FI-AGAUR grant from the Government of Catalonia.
Title: "Contributions to provide a QoS-aware self-configured framework for video-streaming services over ad hoc networks", 22th April 2016. Excellent Cum Laude.
Download thesis.
Abstract: Development of routing protocols for multimedia services over MANETs and VANETs. Realistic urban scenarios using OpenStreetMap, SUMO and NS2.
He is currently working at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericto, Canada, holding a postdoctoral fellowship position.
Dr. Luis Felipe Urquiza-Aguiar is an Engineer in Electronic and Networks by the Escuela Politécnica Nacional (Ecuador) and received the M.S degree in Telematics Engineering from the UPC in 2012.
He was granted with a full scholarship from SENESCYT (Ecuador).
Title: "Contribution to the design of VANET routing protocols for realistic urban environments", 5th April 2016. Excellent Cum Laude.
Download thesis.
Abstract: Design of routing protocols in vehicular adhoc networks for smart cities. Proposals to improve VANET communications in smart cities. Realistic urban scenarios using OpenStreetMap and NCTUns/Estinet.
He is currently working at the National Polytechnic School in Quito, Ecuador, as an associated professor.
Dra. Carolina Tripp Barba received her degree by the Faculty of Informatics of the Universidad Autonoma de Sinaloa (Mexico) in 2006 and her MSc degree in telecommunication engineering from the UPC in 2009. She was granted with a full scholarship from FPI-UPC.
Title: "Contribution to design a communication framework for vehicular ad hoc networks in urban scenarios", 20th June 2013. Excellent Cum Laude.
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Abstract: Design of QoS-aware routing protocols for VANETs (Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks). Contribution to improve Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (GPSR) in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks. Available Bandwidth Estimation (ABE) for VANETs. MMMR (Multimetric, Map-aware Routing Protocol. Anonymity in VANETs using a Crowds-based algorithm. VANET services in Smart Cities. NCTUns and CityMob simulators.
She is currently working at the Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa in Mazatlán, Mexico, as an associated professor.
Dr. Víctor Carrascal Frías. "Contribution to provide QoS over Mobile Ad Hoc Networks for Video-Streaming Services based on an Adaptive Cross-Layer Architecture". 2nd March 2009. Excellent Cum Laude.
Download thesis.
Abstract: Improve the performance of multimedia applications over wireless ad hoc networks, focusing on video-streaming services over MANETs. Multipath routing, network monitoring, video characteristics, path classification, dynamic self-configuring, route life-time, trust and reliability.
He is currently working at ERNI as a senior software engineer.
Co-Tutored PhD Thesis
Dr. Pablo Bautista Barbecho received the Master of Telematics Engineering of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, in 2017. He had a full scholarship from SENESCYT (Equador).
Title: "Contribution to smart management services for
electric vehicle charging using vehicular networks", Dissertation defense in 19th May 2022. Excellent Cum Laude.
Download thesis.
Extraordinary doctoral award for the Best UPC thesis of the 2021/2022 academic year, in the field of ICT engineering.
Abstract: Design of a smart charging service involving electrical vehicles, smart grid and RSU infraestructure. We use OMNeT++/VEINS/SUMO/OSM.
Dra. Leticia Lemus Cárdenas received the Master of Telematics Engineering of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, in 2011. She had a full scholarship from the University of Guadalajara (Mexico).
Title: "Enhancement of vehicular ad hoc networks using machine learning-based prediction methods", Dissertation defense in 22nd July 2020. Excellent Cum Laude.
Download thesis.
Abstract: Improvement of VANET routing protocols using machine learning techniques. Performance evaluation done with OMNeT++/VEINS/SUMO/OSM.
She is an associated professor at the Universidad de Guadalajara since 2012.
Dra. Isabel V. Martín Faus. She is an assistant professor at the UPC.
Title: "Modelado y Análisis Transitorio de un Sistema de Distribución de Vídeo bajo Demanda". July 21st, 2008. Excellent Cum Laude.
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Abstract: This thesis is focused on video-on-demand (VoD) services to investigate the goodness of performability techniques in end-to-end QoS scenarios. Based on a straightforward Markov Chain, Markov-Reward Chain (MRC) models are developed in order to obtain various QoS measures of an adaptive VoD service.